Monday, 5 June 2017

A Feel of Unworthiness

Have some of you ever had a feeling that you are incapable of doing things which you are capable of? When you can't earn a single dime from what you are worthy for. A same feeling surfaced me since last few days, as i left my job 3 months ago [18th March] where i was working as Sales Manager in marketing of Pigments [colors] which are key ingredients in making Inks and Paints. Well, this is odd to me. Because of my curriculum, speaks of me a Master in Biotechnology. Getting a degree not makes you genius. Proper utilization of skills for which you spent half of your living, takes you to ladder of success. But, do you think working hard is only solution! 

I scoff at people with the sayings " I read 15 hours in a day, I am workaholic, I am much dedicate to what i am doing, I believe in 99% hard work, I love routine, I am happy with what i possess, secret of success lies in working hard". These people fail to see solutionary window when adverse moments strike them. Blow like balloon, semblance much weight upon themselves. Then why not victory befall on all those resolute determined fireballs!. 

At these times, i look for doom of serendipity expects to overshadows me. It is not how long you live, it how big your life should be worth living for. 

So many of you have passion for painting, playing cricket, reading novels, writing blogs, swimming, driving, etc. How many of you concentrating on your hobbies? What you are worth living for then? 

I know Money is most targeted commodity in today's world to fill up most of our wishes. Running for wealth, are we ignoring our most valuable interests? Ask yourself. Listen to your instincts. It well known accepted fact of most of citizens of the world especially when comes to developing countries, an average person is exhausting most of time, draining energy galloping for undesired objects for sake of money.

Well, i consider myself as polymath. I try to hook on my crazies and obsession for Astrology, Stock Market and reading blogs on mysterious & historical facts and how to make money online. This gives relief to my soul. I dreamt of becoming a great writer, but i am struggling to write a single sentences checking to insert the suitable phrases that matches the vocabulary and high profile words to confuse readers to get them dictionary of words beside. 

I don't know whether i will succeed or not. But i don't give up trying what i want to become. I insist everyone must put their imaginations into words so they can achieve in some stage . Atleast, create your own characters popped out from your unstoppable thoughts to make those alive exuviate. 

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